ICS Study Hub

Say hello to the ICS Study Hub. This was a project that my group and I had worked on for almost a month during our time in ICS 314, the idea essentially being a small online corner for ICS students to meet at to get help, search for sessions with similar goals, etc. I was responsible for taking care of the user profile while also providing some additional testcafe tests (ensuring that the program ran under a set of parameters.

While it was a little bit incomplete, I did fulfill one major goal; help provide an online service that would serve as a type of blueprint or inspiration for those who wanted to create a website to help students study in an online-only environment. The concept itself is an excellent idea; kind of like Facebook but for academic purposes.

This would be the first project in a long time in which I worked with a group; while I my difficulties, we worked as a unit when the going got really tough. I was hoping to accomplish more as well, but due to exams, it was difficult to try and get this project completed 100%. Regardless, I am quite proud of the results and I am proud of all the work that my team and I had accomplished.